An operational error committed by Groundforce, an handling agent at Lisbon Airport, led to 17 flights having been delayed so as not to compromise security.

In the course of an operation, for which Groudforce was responsible, some passengers on flight TAP 1482, originating in Dakar, were incorrectly disembarked.

Upon becoming aware of this situation, ANA called on the involvement of the  pertinent authorities, what led to PSP (the Police) and SEF (the Border Control Authority) having implement immediate security measures.  As a result of this, PSP evacuated and security checked the area, while the departures border  was temporarily closed by SEF. All passengers in the area were directed to the passport control hall on the arrivals.  

The situation was detected at 19h10 and by 21h54 the operation at Lisbon airport was already fully normalised, this being the hour at which the departures border was reopened.

ANA is sorry for all the inconveniences caused to the passengers and has requested from Groudforce all the pertinent clarifications in relation to the situation.